Friday, June 12, 2009

Becky McCray - Publisher - Small Biz Survival

I interviewed Becky McCray through Twitter. She is the Publisher of Small Biz Survival, an online publication / community which was created to help small business owners. Her Bio on Twitter states the following:

"Small town entrepreneur. That includes an odd mix of liquor store owner, grant and project consultant, and cattle rancher. "

She has nearly 4,000 followers on twitter and has enjoyed much success, especially in marketing her online publication. Becky was kind enough to answer a few questions for me as to how she uses Twitter as a marketing tool. Please read from the bottom up!

BeckyMcCray@bradm4l You're welcome. All the best on your grad work. from TweetDeck in reply to bradm4l

bradm4l@BeckyMcCray Thanks so much, Becky! Your help is very appreciated! from web in reply to BeckyMcCray

BeckyMcCray@bradm4l A large portion of my online business success is due to twitter. My tweets are a mix of both business and personal. from TweetDeck in reply to bradm4l

bradm4l@BeckyMcCray How much of your success / growth do you attribute to social networking? Also, are your tweets more personal / business or mix? from web

BeckyMcCray@bradm4l I think Twitter will continue to grow. I also use Flickr, Facebook, FriendFeed, and a few others. from TweetDeck in reply to bradm4l

bradm4l@BeckyMcCray Looking ahead, do you see Twitter as something that will continue to grow? Also, any other social media outlets you use? from web in reply to BeckyMcCray

BeckyMcCray@bradm4l Yes, for my businesses that rely on online connections. from TweetDeck in reply to bradm4l

bradm4l@BeckyMcCray Thanks! Is Twitter something that is part of your overall marketing plan? from web in reply to BeckyMcCray

BeckyMcCray@bradm4l I've been using Twitter since 2006. It has been very effective at networking and connecting outside my local area. from TweetDeck in reply to bradm4l

bradm4l@BeckyMcCray How long have you been using twitter, and how effective has it been for you? Feel free to get back to me via DM if thats easier from web in reply to BeckyMcCray

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for inviting me to participate. I'll be watching to see your other interview results.
